How to Get Bitcoins – A Guide to Earning Bitcoins Fast and Free in 2018
It’s been a while since I wrote a
new post, and it feels good to be back! Today, I’m going to cover all of the
available ways there are to to earn Bitcoins online. Before I begin, I just
want to make something very clear:
Just like there’s no easy way to
make a substantial amount of US dollars or any other valuable currency for
that matter. The good news is that if you’re willing to put in the effort,
you can achieve some very nice earnings online. Later on in this post, I’ll
expose some of my own earnings so you can see what I mean.
Also, there’s no such thing as “free
bitcoins”. It will always cost you something to get Bitcoins. It may not always
be money, but something needs to be spent, whether it’s time, your email
address, viewing ads or anything else.
I hope I didn’t burst your bubble
too much right at the start of this post, but if you’re still here with me,
let’s dive into the different ways you can earn Bitcoins today.
1 – Micro Earnings
This is probably the easiest niche
to get into, but it’s also the most time consuming. Methods that belong to this
niche usually take up a lot of time and pay a fairly small (almost irrelevant)
amount of Bitcoins. Even if you have a lot of free time on
your hands, this still won’t bring you too much income. Also, some of the
websites that pay out micro earnings have built-in malware and viruses, so you
need to stay safe and not click any links you don’t trust.
PTC or Paid-to-Click
websites ($0.4/hour on avg.)
As the name suggests, these are
websites that will give you small amounts of Bitcoin for viewing ads and
visiting websites. The most popular PTC website today is ads4BTC. The site will
give you a choice between 5-second ads, 10-second ads and 20-second ads, as
shown here:
As you can see, even if we watch
20-second ads all day long for 24 hours, we will be making 0.0216BTC. So
basically, we’ll be making $9.612 for 24 hours of work.
Bitcoin Faucets ($0.054/hour on
avg.) Even though running a Bitcoin faucet can be profitable (more on this
later on), using a faucet isn’t as much. Faucets are websites that will give
you a small quantity of Bitcoins every few minutes. For example our own
Bitcoin faucet gives up to 1000 Satoshis (0.00001BTC) every five minutes. But
even if you managed to hit the 1000 prize every time for a full 24 hours, you’d
still be making only 0.00288BTC. So you’d get around $1.31 for 24 hours of work
(and we have one of the highest-paying faucets in the industry). Micro jobs
There is always the possibility of completing micro tasks in order to get paid small
amounts of Bitcoin. Coinworker is a good example of a micro jobs Bitcoin site.
Jobs can be anything from testing a web application on a browser to retweeting
a post.
2 – Writing about Bitcoin
Writing about Bitcoin requires time,
knowledge and the ability to write in the required language (usually English).
Through writing, you can start making a nice income depending on where you
choose to write. BitcoinTalk Signature Campaigns ($2.67/hour on avg.) Somewhere
around mid-2014, BitcoinTalk started running signature campaigns. What this
means is that you use your BitcoinTalk’s signature to advertise a Bitcoin
product and get paid for every post you write. The complete list of campaigns
can be seen here. Of course, this created a lot of “junk” posts on BitcoinTalk,
like people saying just “thank you” or “awesome post” and not adding any actual
content. You get paid according to your membership level on BitcoinTalk.
Usually, anyone under a full member won’t get paid that much or paid at all. To
becoming a full member, you’ll need at least 120 posts under your belt, and
then you can start earning 0.0005BTC on average per post. There are also
limitations on posts you can write such as “original posts with 60 or more
characters”, “You can’t have negative trust or other advertisements”, etc.
Sometimes, there’s also a minimum post requirement per week. Seeing as writing
a constructive post of at least 60 words takes a minimum of five minutes,
my guess is that if you work for 24 hours straight, you can make 0.144BTC. So
you’ll be making $64.08 for 24 hours of work. This, of course, does not include
the number of posts you need to write in order to get the required membership
level on BitcoinTalk. Also, many campaigns have a “maximum posts allowed per
week” policy, so you may not be able to work a full 24 hours. Writing for blogs
and news sites ($31.25/hour on avg.) If you think you have enough knowledge to
contribute about Bitcoin, you can always become a writer for a blog or a news
site. Many sites need to fill up a daily quota of posts, and they are
desperately looking for writers. We hire the occasional writer on 99Bitcoins as
well, and I can say that the salary of a blog post writer will vary
significantly based on your experience, control of the English language and
expertise. If you’re a top-notch writer, you can even make up to $80 per
1000-word blog post. On average, I’m guessing most writer get somewhere around
$35 for a 1000-word blog post. But writing a good blog post takes time.
For example, it took me about four hours to write this 2400-word blog post. So
let’s say, theoretically, that I can work for 24 hours straight; I’ll be making
around $750. If you want to become a writer, the best way to find Bitcoin blogs
that are looking for writers is through Coinality, which aggregates all of the
Bitcoin jobs being posted online.
3 – Bitcoin lending
If you own some Bitcoins and want to
increase their value, you can always look into Bitcoin lending. The idea is
pretty simple – you lend out a certain amount of your coins to people for
crypto-related projects (usually) and get them back with an interest. The good
news is that you can get very high returns through lending. The bad news
is that with high returns also comes high risk. Some of the people you will
lend to won’t return your money, or you might have to chase them in order to
make sure they pay. That’s why it’s important to choose your lending projects
wisely. Here’s my own personal experience with Bitcoin lending, and here’s how
to choose a good lending project.
There are currently three main
websites that deal with Bitcoin lending – BTCJam, Bitbond and Loanbase. Update:
I no longer thing this is a safe way to earn Bitcoins. You’re more likely to
lose your money than to get it back. Here’s some stuff I’ve learned along the
Bitcoin Investment sites (avoid at
all costs!)
There are hundreds of sites around
the web that claims they can multiply your Bitcoin, give you super
high daily interest on your coins or do all sorts of other “magical” stuff
if you just send them your coins. These sites are known as HYIPs (High Yield
Investment Programs) and from my personal experience they are 100% scam. Every
day I get at least one or two emails from people who have been conned by these
sites. What the site generally does is pay members using new member deposits
that come in. This continues until one day the site decides to completely
disappear from the web with the majority of their investors money. I can’t
emphasis enough how dangerous these sites are – AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!! They
are not a way to earn Bitcoins, they are a way to lose Bitcoins. If you’re not
sure if a site is legit or not, I suggest using the Bitcoin scam test to find
4 – Mine Bitcoins
I’m going to be brief about this
option. Bitcoin mining is not a way to earn Bitcoin fast or free. It takes a
lot of time, research and money that you’ll need to invest into mining
equipment. If you’re a newbie, then you probably shouldn’t be pursuing this. If
you’re a veteran, then you probably already know this. Sure, you’ll be able to
generate Bitcoins even if you use your own PC at home, but if you use a mining
calculator, you’ll see that you’ll be making 0.00000968BTC a day
($0.0043) and spending perhaps 100x that on electricity bills or cooling down
your computer (in hopes it doesn’t get ruined in the process). If you’ve missed
our latest video about Bitcoin mining, perhaps this will give you a clearer
explanation of what mining is and why you should probably stay away from it:
Some of you may say “but I saw some
cloud-mining websites that allow me to profit without the need to pay the
expenses involved in mining”. Well, in that case, you should perhaps read this
article I wrote a while back. TL;DR – IMO, most, if not all, Bitcoin cloud
mining websites are ponzi schemes that rarely actually use your investment to
mine Bitcoins.
5 – Gambling
This part doesn’t need a lot of
explanation, I guess. There are a lot of Bitcoin gambling websites out there
that will gladly take your money for the chance of winning a bigger pot. Here’s
just one example. The upside about gambling is that it doesn’t take any
specific skill to start doing it; the downside is that it’s much more likely
that you’ll lose all of your Bitcoins than actually win anything.
6 – Bitcoin trading
Today, there are many forms of
Bitcoin trading available. If you’re interested in getting started with
trading, you need to make sure you have the required knowledge. In the following
weeks, I’ll post a complete beginner’s tutorial on Bitcoin trading, but
for now, here are the main options: Bitcoin day trading Day trading is
the buying and selling of Bitcoins on the same day, on the basis of
small, short-term price fluctuations. So, if you think that Bitcoin’s price is
going to go up, it’s a good time to buy some Bitcoins and sell them off after
you’ve made a profit. In order to participate in actual day trading, you’ll
have to own or buy Bitcoins. Bitcoin CFDs (contracts for difference) This is
similar to day trading, but different to the extent that you don’t have to buy
Bitcoins. When you buy Bitcoin CFDs, you can do it through a broker such as
plus500 or AvaTrade. The idea is that instead of buying the actual asset
(Bitcoin) and then selling it later, you buy a contract for that asset, so you
don’t have to deal with actually holding or storing Bitcoins. More on Bitcoin
CFDs here. With CFDs you can also short sell – meaning make a profit when
Bitcoin’s price goes down. Bitcoin binary options Bitcoin binary
options are a form of trading in which you predict if the price of Bitcoin
will rise or fall in a certain amount of time. If you’re correct, you earn the
option’s payoff; if you’re incorrect, you lose your investment. They are called
“Binary Options”, because the outcome is either win or lose; there’s nothing in
between. Basically, it’s a form of gambling that’s covered up with a pretty
name. No
one can predict precisely what will
happen with Bitcoin’s price. If that were possible, we would all be
billionaires. I suggest you stay away from Bitcoin binary options unless you
like to gamble, and if you do, that’s fine I guess.
7 – Play games to earn Bitcoins
Aside from gambling, which is also
considered a game, there are a variety of Bitcoin games that don’t require any
investment, and allow you to earn Bitcoins while playing them. Think of them as
a fun faucet, since you’ll probably be wasting your time and earning very
little as well. ChopCoin, Coinbrawl and Bitcoin Aliens’ mobile app are just
some examples of how you can make the task of earning small amounts of Bitcoin
8 – Bitcoin affiliate marketing
I’ve written a lot in the past about how I
generate a nice amount of Bitcoins through affiliate programs. The idea of an
affiliate program is that you promote someone else’s product and they pay you
in return for sales you bring in. So, for example, I can promote TREZOR (which
is actually an awesome product that I personally use), and if someone decides
to buy TREZOR and they came from my site, I get a commission for it. Just so
you understand the potential in this, here are my TREZOR earnings from the past
As you can see it can adds up to a
pretty nice amount, especially when you consider that once I set up a post that
generates referral, it’s basically all autopilot from there. If you’re
interested in going down this route, here’s some more information about
affiliate marketing with Bitcoin. And here is a list of many of the Bitcoin
affiliate programs out there.
How to Get Bitcoins – A Guide to Earning Bitcoins Fast and Free in 2018
Reviewed by Tadka News
December 23, 2017

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